Aardvark |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Allosaurus |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Antelope |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Ant |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Apatosaurus |
Types of animal science: Classification, evolution |
Arachnid |
Types of animal science: Anatomy, behavior, classification, ecology |
Archaeopteryx |
Types of animal science: Classification, evolution |
Anteaters, armadillos, sloths |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Eagles |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Echinoderms |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Eel |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Elephant seal |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Elephant |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Elk |
Type of animal science: Behavior, classification, ecology |
Camel |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Carnivore |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, behavior, ecology, evolution |
Cat |
Type of animal science:Classification |
Cattle, Buffalo, and Bison |
Type of animal science:Classification |
Centipedes and Millipedes |
Type of animal science:Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Chameleon |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Cheetah |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Chimpanzee |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, behavior, classification |
Chicken |
Type of animal science:Classification |
Clams and Oysters |
Type of animal science:Anatomy, classification, ecology |
Deep-sea animals |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, ecology |
Deer |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Dinosaurs |
Type of animal science: Classification, evolution |
Dog |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Dolphins, porpoises, and other toothed whales |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Donkey |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Duck |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Baboon |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, behavior, classification, ecology, evolution |
Badger |
Type of animal science: Behavior, classification, reproduction |
Bat |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Bear |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Beaver |
Type of animal science: Classification, ecology |
Bee |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Beetle |
Type of animal science:Anatomy, behavior, classification, ecology, geography, reproduction |
Brachiosaurus |
Type of animal science: Classification, evolution |
Butterflies and moths |
Type of animal science:Classification |
Invertebrates |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Ichthyosaur |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, evolution |
Finch |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Flamingo |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification |
Flatworms |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Fly |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Fox |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Frogs and Toads |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification |
Hadrosaur |
Type of animal science: Classification, evolution |
Hawk |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Herbivore |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, ecology, reproduction |
Hippo |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Horses and Zebras |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Horseshoe crab |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Hummingbird |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, behavior, classification, physiology, reproduction |
Hyena |
Type of animal science: Classification, ecology, reproduction |
Hyrax |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Kangaroo |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Koala |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Goose |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Giraffe |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Goat |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Gopher |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Gorilla |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Grasshopper |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Grizzly bear |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Jaguar |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Jellyfish |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Mammoth |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Manatee |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Marten and Fisher |
Type of animal science: Behavior, classification, reproduction |
Marine animals |
Type of animal science:Ecology |
Marsupial |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, ecology, evolution, geography, reproduction |
Meerkat |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Mice and Rats |
Type of animal science: Behavior, classification, ecology |
Mink |
Type of animal science: Behavior, classification, reproduction |
Mole |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Mollusk |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Lampreys and Hagfish |
Type of animal science:Classification |
Lemur |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, behavior, classification, ecology, evolution |
Leopard |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Lion |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Lizard |
Type of animal science: Behavior, classification, ecology, evolution, reproduction |
Lobster |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification |
Lungfish |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Octopuses and Squid |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Omnivore |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification |
Opossum |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Orangutan |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Ostrich |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Otter |
Type of animal science: Behavior, classification, ecology |
Owl |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Neanderthal |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, evolution |
Panda |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Parrot |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Pelican |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Penguin |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Pheasant |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Pigs and Hogs |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Platypus |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Polar Bear |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Porcupine |
Type of animal science: Behavior, classification, ecology |
Praying mantis |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Quail |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Rabbits, Hares, and Pikas |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Raccoon |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Ratfish |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Ray |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Reindeer |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, ecology, reproduction |
Rhino |
Type of animal science:Anatomy, classification |
Rodents |
Type of animal science:Classification |
Tasmanian devil |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification |
Termites |
Type of animal science: Behavior, classification |
Tiger |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Triceratops |
Type of animal science: Classification, evolution |
Turkey |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Turtle and Tortoise |
Type of animal science: Classification, evolution |
Tyrannosaurus |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Ungulate |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, ecology |
Velociraptor |
Type of animal science: Classification, evolution |
Vertebrates |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Vulture |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, ecology, reproduction |
Salamander and Newt |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification |
Salmon and Trout |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Sauropod |
Type of animal science: Classification, evolution |
Scorpions |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, ecology |
Seahorse |
Type of animal science: Classification, reproduction |
Seal and Walrus |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Shark |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Sheep |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Shrew |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, behavior, classification, reproduction |
Skunk |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Wasp and Hornet |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, classification, reproduction |
Weasel |
Type of animal science: Behavior, classification, reproduction |
Whale Shark |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Whale |
Type of animal science: Classification |
White Shark |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Wolf |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Wolverine |
Type of animal science: Behavior, classification, reproduction |
Woodpecker |
Type of animal science: Anatomy, behavior, classification, ecology |
Worms |
Type of animal science: Classification |
Zooplankton |
Type of animal science: Classification |
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